Alice Audouin Consulting puts social, environmental and cultural innovation at the heart of its activities. It enlists its three areas of expertise – sustainable development, art and communication – to create totally new, bespoke combinations.
From initial strategy to operational implementation, Alice Audouin Consulting works closely with its clients towards a more ethical form of communication, a more creative CSR policy and more socially-engaged cultural actions.
Our clients will benefit from a vast institutional, private and cultural network (including organisations in the voluntary sector) both in France and worldwide. This network is the fruit of our 15 years’ experience.
Alice Audouin Consulting puts its skills in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Organisational Social Responsibility (OST), Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) and sustainable finance at your disposal. From strategy to implementation, we incorporate creative processes and partnerships with stakeholders in the field of culture in order to enrich the vision of our clients and accelerate innovation.
Bespoke projects, events, consultations with creative stakeholders, innovation programmes, creative brainstorming sessions… Each action we take involves a dialogue with figures at the avant-garde of the transitional process: artists, eco-innovative entrepreneurs and “early adopters”.
Alice Audouin Consulting incorporates art in sustainable development and sustainable development in art. We strive to foster collaboration between the creative world and the worlds of sustainable development, the circular economy and renewable energies, through actions to develop awareness, artistic direction, a commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through art, the creation of themed collections and bespoke exhibitions and R&D projects with artists or advice on patronage. Alice Audouin Consulting also produces artists’ projects and supports them throughout the creative process.
Here at Alice Audouin Consulting, 15 years’ experience in the connections between art and sustainable development, in addition to our proximity with the most emblematic artists concerned with this key issues, are at the service of your projects.
Alice Audouin Consulting works together with its clients to develop a responsible communication strategy. We help advertisers to choose what they wish to commit to and their approach, for example helping put into practice the UDA (French advertiser’s organisation) charter to guarantee responsible communication, establish a code of responsible communication and training etc.
Alice Audouin Consulting develops bold, socially committed, transparent and original communication strategies: brand creation and evolution, positioning, trends, institutional communication, digital communication and online reputation management. Responsible communication becomes a vector for shared experiences, exploration and exchange.
When it is time to implement actions, we team up with key players in the fields of art, multimedia, cultural production, entrepreneurship and the digital world in partnerships that are the fruit of 15 years’ experience.
Our References